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What are the delights and frustrations of being a teenager?

Writer's picture: English TuitionEnglish Tuition

A teenager is a person aged between thirteen and nineteen years old. This is a critical time period where children develop into young adults, both physically and psychologically. During this journey of self-discovery, adolescents inevitably experience many ups and downs that leave them with countless delights and frustrations.

Yet, a common misconception about the life of a teenager is that adults often believe that teens are constantly surrounded by friends, sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night, going on adventures, forging memories with loved ones, falling in love for the first time, engaging in endless laughter, and partying non-stop, which constitute the happiest years of their life. In reality, however, this is far from the truth.

Still, on a societal level, it remains a common phenomenon for adults to stereotype teenagers, resulting in a lot of misunderstandings and unhappiness in both the household or public realms. Since society functions differently and circumstances have changed, what teenagers go through now is radically different from that of earlier generations. Adults usually assume what adolescents go through, now, are similar to what they have experienced when they were at that age. The lack of introspection and understanding in large part due to the fixed mindset prevalent among adults, have regrettably led to teenagers concealing and reserving their true thoughts and emotions. Apparently, this adds to the profound frustration the young already feel.

During puberty, the stage adolescents undergo to reach sexual maturity, many feel increasingly self-conscious and insecure, developing a lower sense of self-worth and self-esteem. Many also find it tough to control their raging hormones and often have a hard time expressing their sensitive emotions.

Nevertheless, teenagehood is not all doom and gloom. Teenagers are empowered with more freedom, allowing them to lead a more carefree and enriching life. As they explore more about the world and themselves, they may discover their strengths and develop new talents. At the same time, the youngsters earn the opportunity to make decisions for themselves, from trivial to consequential ones. They get to spend more time with their friends whom they feel they can relate to. They also gradually learn the importance of being responsible with their own words and actions.

Yet, some teenagers may take their freedom for granted by neglecting their newly assumed responsibilities. Indeed, teens who mix with the wrong company may be led astray. The bad eggs might pressure them to smoke, abuse prohibited substances, steal, engage in premarital sex and many other vices. While most are well-read and they often know the inimical consequences of such actions, they may still follow suit in hopes of fitting in with the crowd and doing what they deem as cool.

As society has evolved throughout the years, so have the various challenges a teen has to face. In modern society, the bar has been set much higher than before. Parents, peers and teachers expect more from a teenager in terms of schoolwork, grades and behavior. Teenagers are expected to cope with a hectic co-curricular activity (CCA) schedule and a rigorous academic program in school. It is no wonder that teenagers feel mentally and physiologically stressed out to perform well in their studies and CCA so that they can live up to the myriad expectations.

On top of the pressure teenagers face from getting exceptional grades, another prominent stressor is their peers. There is an invisible caste system in secondary  schools and junior colleges and fitting in is of upmost importance. Labeling and bullying is a severe behavioural issue and once a teenager is categorised or identified as of the ‘lower caste, he or she will likely be subjugated by the school bullies who are dubbed as the ‘cool kids’.

Peer pressure can bring enormous anxiety and negativity, which leads to high suicide rates among adolescents. Research has shown that 20 per cent of teenagers suffer from a depressive disorder and one third of depressed teens have suffered from substance abuse. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among teenagers and almost 10 per cent of the teenage population has attempted suicide. Such alarming numbers show no sign of abatement if nothing is done to improve a teenager’s social environment. Therefore, being a teenager is not easy. It is the most testing period for teenagers to develop their mettle in overcoming challenges. It is also a time where teenagers train their mental fortitude to address personal limitations and weaknesses, thereby paving a brighter future for themselves.

In conclusion, there is more to teenagehood than meets the eye. While there will always be opportunities to watch television programs aimlessly and laze around at home, today’s competitive global landscape has compelled teenagers to prioritise serious work over casual play. The informed elders may reminisce about their past nostalgically, but they know it will no longer be the same for their succeeding generations.

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