Your school’s National Education Club is planning to organise a learning journey for students in your school as one of the choices for the post-examination activities. You have seen an advertisement for tours organised by the Singapore Tourism Board and you think one of the tours will be a good choice for the learning journey. As a member of the Executive Committee of the club, you have been tasked to write an article for your school’s monthly bulletin to encourage as many students as possible to come on this learning journey.
Your article for the bulletin must include the following content:
a title to attract readers’ attention
your choice of tour
what participants will experience during the tour
why you think the tour will be a worthwhile experience for the participants.
Write your article for the school’s bulletin in clear, accurate English and in a lively and enthusiastic tone to convince readers to join your club on this learning journey.
You should use your own words as much as possible. You may add any other details you think will be helpful.
Tour chosen:

Through the path of our unsung heroes
By Timothy Lee
We all know the importance of life-long learning. Without the need to study for examinations, it is prime time to learn more about the world we live in. So, why not join a tour organised by the Singapore Tourism Board that brings you to the Civil Defence Heritage Gallery. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about the people who work tirelessly to keep our country in order.
Embark on a journey through a lesser known path to learn about the people who work hard day and night to protect Singapore. While military defence protects us from foreign threats, the civil defence keeps us safe from domestic perils. Yet, not many truly recognise the significance of our civil defence. A trip to the Civil Defence Heritage Gallery will inform you about all the inner workings of SIngapore’s civil defence that we take for granted, such as the round-the-clock personnel on standby to cater for any emergency. Learn about the intense training firefighters and rescue workers go through to feel assured that we can count on these people to save us in times of crisis. Participate in fun and interactive activities to learn life-saving skills or experience life-like simulations of high-stakes emergencies.
Through the documentation of past emergencies that our civil defence force had efficiently de-escalate, learn about the improvements in life-saving technology that made Singapore a safer country. You will get to immerse yourself in the rich history of Singapore’s civil defence to increase your awareness of its significance. Take pride in the achievements of our country’s civil defence force to help nurture a sense of belonging to Singapore. Not only will you walk away with appreciation for civil defence, you will also leave with technical knowledge that can save you and your loved ones when it really counts.
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for this learning journey today!
For enquiries about our English tuition classes or writing services, please contact The Useful English Tutor at 9747-0937.